listening to uninterrupted doo wop for hours.
during the power outage, I wasdoowoping for three hours on my galaxy s4 before my battery went dead. DOOWOPING!!
by Nogunsnofrowns November 1, 2013
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Two hollowed out cigars, filled with marijuana and made into a 'double blunt'; a blunt twice the length of a typical one.
The doowop burned for forty-five minutes.
by LeBong James October 8, 2004
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A greasy haired italian with no goddamn papers.
"Hey johnny look over there!"


"at the quattro amicci cafe, look at all the fucking doowop dagos"
by hemps August 25, 2014
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a girl that you like or love or have a crush on. mostly are short . lol.
she's MY short doowop, stay the fuck away.
by ted August 14, 2004
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The act of slapping a woman/man in the face with the penis after it has been inserted into their anus. The connotation 'Doowop' comes from the double meaning of the words 'scat' and 'skat' one meaning a style of jazz singing and one meaning sexual practises involving feacal matter.
'She was being a right cocky cunt, so I had to give her a couple of Doowop Gunslingers to sort the whore out.'
by Johns Vaginal Molar August 21, 2008
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