When a male inserts his penis horizontally into another man's ass.
In order to stay warm Frank and Joe created a dock station to share warmth.
by cialisisoramundo February 2, 2010
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when two guys; one circumsized one not; touch the tips of their penis together and pull the foreskin from one penis over onto the other and ejaculates to the other one.
dalton:hey nick lets do the docking station.
Nick: no dude im topped off
Dalton: damn!
by nick da bona August 21, 2008
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When a man with an un-circumcised penis, rolls his extra skin on a circumcised man's penis. Looks like an anteater eating a bratwurst, or a tan snake eating another tan snake
by bigballer2331 October 17, 2010
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A platform into which you can install a penis. Male, female, mouth, vagina, or asshole.
She's not that hot, but she'll do just fine as a docking station.
Foley was looking for a docking station on IM.
by bkdouble October 5, 2006
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The act of two men placing their penises into both sides of a Chinese finger trap.
Dan:Hey man want to meet up at my place and test out my new docking station?
Cody:Sure just don't tell anyone.
by buttafingaboi December 27, 2013
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When a male lines his anus up with a woman's vagina and shits in her. It may be necessary to get a 'turtle head' before attempting this procedure to ensure the maximum deposit.
After eating a heaty meal Stan felt the need to give his woman a large docking station before taking her doggy style.
by Klarsh November 2, 2008
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A docking station can be referred to as the act of when a male lines his anus up with a female's vagina and proceeds to do a bowel movement inside of her. She can then proceed to variables of the more advanced positions like the cleaveland steamer.
After Jack finished the docking station into Jill's vagina, she then squatted above him and sheefed onto his chest.
by Shmoshmech February 2, 2009
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