Removing the intestines.
The day care center owners threatened to call the police on the devil worshippers for disemboweling one of the kids in the woods behind it. What was the big deal, was that too perverse for them?
by The Original Agahnim August 25, 2021
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1) removing of organs
2) what i would like to do to all the sick pedaphile fucks in this world
i want to disembowel that bastard with my knife
by Sotel May 16, 2005
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Doom/Death Metal band from Australia. One of the Godfathers of Funeral Doom/Death Doom, and arguably one of the first extreme metal acts from Australia

Released two demos, en EP entitled dUsk and one full length entitled Transcendence into the Peripheral. Split-up soon after recording the full length.

The band has now risen to legendary status throughout the metal community around the world.
Person 1. Dude! Disembowelments 'Cerulean Transience of All My Imagined Shores' kick ass!
Person 2. Pantalgia comp version is better!
by Morkner June 12, 2013
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Ebonics for 'This is his colon'
When showing the large intestine, the afro-american medical student said, disembowel.
by Rxer November 15, 2010
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