Not able to funk...Lack of letting the vibes flow....
Lucy was defunction(ing) herself at the Rave/Techno dance party!
by Seth Wolf July 4, 2005
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Gone or simply of no good use anymore.
Example 1: Nirvana became defunct after Kurt Cobain's death.

Example 2: I dropped my phone in the pool. Looks like it's pretty much defunct.
by Cookies need love too December 20, 2012
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Fucked up or disjunctional
My right nose hole is Defunct
by One rad kid April 19, 2018
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Generally inappropriate; Not going the way you want it to.
Lera is way defunct.
by Yashi September 8, 2007
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Clothing displaying the logo and/or name of a company that no longer exists.
"Hey Dora, I love your shirt."
"Thanks, I've got lots of defunct wear from the dot-bomb days."
by jdaddyk April 9, 2010
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Showing signs of moral weakness.
He was somewhat morally defunct today, I was a little concerned.
by Morally defunkt March 2, 2015
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Something that can apply to a pistol that you payed for.
Defunct the pistol that you pay for.
by Dr. Bumfuzzle September 23, 2023
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