n. A mixture of two terms, including "piece of cake" and "cup of tea".
This phrase expresses the ease of an action or set of actions.
Also a synonym for easy and an antonym of difficult.
Professor: For your homework, I would like you to write your name on a sheet of paper.
Student: That's a cup of cake
by +Mode April 29, 2004
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Talking sweet to someone you like.
Cup Caking means, boyfriend talking with girlfriend or vice - versa on the phone.
by raychone January 6, 2010
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when you fart and instantly enclose the gases in your cupped hand, then release them under some unsuspecting persons nose.
John: Would you like a cup cake James?
James: Why that sounds lovely, yes.
(John releases the handful of fart gas in James' face)
James: You knob.
by John Tilley March 1, 2004
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cup caking means flirting with another person doing anything leading up to, and excluding sex.
hugging, kissing, feeing up on the other person, and could be servicing (however that depends on the other party's definitions and boundaries of what cup caking is)
by plumeriakisses March 19, 2009
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adjective: a word used to describe the act of talking on the phone with a significant other with romantic or affectionate content, usually with funny cute nick names or words.
"I love you too my cute lil smootsy poo!"

"Hey, Josh, quit cup-caking and get back to work!"
by Max DW. November 11, 2007
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yah boi was cup caking with that girl all night at the party.
by Double O August 23, 2006
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When one person purposly encloses his hands around his anus when flatulating (farting) in order to release the odour in someone elses face.
"Go cup-cake him!"

"I don't believe you just cupcaked me!"
by Skii May 6, 2005
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