(n.) Occurs when rock-solid fecal matter is ejected from the vagina onto a person or object, or into an appropriate container.

For our younger, more sensitive readers, cuntstipation is when shit comes out of a girl's pussy (snatch, twat, cunt, meat wallet).
Husband: "Suppose we'll be having sexual intercourse tonight, sweetheart?"

Wife: "Oh no, not tonight, honey... I'm having a bad case of cuntstipation."

Husband: "It's okay, dear. I was just having a sperm-retention headache."
by Rick Roberson April 4, 2011
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Verb: cuntstipate
1. cause to be cuntstipated

Adjective: cuntstipated
1. have difficult, incomplete or infrequent access to female genitals
Stan: Hey Greg, what's your sister doing this weekend?
Greg: Dunno numbnuts, why?
Stan: I have been a bit cuntstipated lately. I was thinking I might try and bum a shag off her.
by Scobar September 5, 2005
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Emotional or spiritual blockage caused by having to deal with too many cunts in 1 day!!
Fuk me, i feel so cuntstipated today....
by DnBDuBzJunky November 10, 2018
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A dating dry-spell. Not having the pleasures of the company of a woman in a very long time.
Gary: "When was the last time you got laid?"
Jeff: Dude, I've been cuntstipated for 4 months now."
by Dante S. February 19, 2007
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(noun) - When a bitch or cunt is out of character by being nice.
Suzie is being really nice, maybe she's changed.

No she didn't she's just cuntstipated.
by DAVnCHAINS December 7, 2010
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When a woman does not get her period on time
"Hey, Martha I got my period, and we are best friends. Did you get yours?"

"No, not yet, Shirley. I've been feeling cuntstipated. "
by _cunning_linguist_ May 4, 2018
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When a bitch is so stuck in her ways and won't listen.
Being so bitchy that nothing else is going to change it.
Marissa: Wow, did you notice how bitchy Sheila has been recently?
Margret: Yeah. She's been cuntstipated for a few days now.
by Dr. Defined April 8, 2019
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