A mixture of "cunt" and "retarded". most likely to be said at someone who's acting whorrishly stupid.
*at a party*
Brittney spears: whooo i'm sooo drunk i think I'll sleep with Justin Timberlake.
Justin Timberlake: Damnit britney stop acting cuntarded you look like a fool.
Brittney spears: whooo i'm sooo drunk i think I'll sleep with Justin Timberlake.
Justin Timberlake: Damnit britney stop acting cuntarded you look like a fool.
by yermoom December 13, 2009
Similar to fucktard, this word is a portmanteau of cunt and retard. While fucktard is associated with activly acting like a fucking retard, a cuntard is more passive and just sits there acting like a retarded cunt.
by Swamp Ig June 20, 2005
(noun) A female, who like her male counterpart known as the munt, acts irresponsible and reckless in her behavior where social graces, common etiquette, and/or her general disregard for fellow humans is concerned.
Her friend treated her like a real cuntard when she learned she bought the same dress for the dance.
by GlindaTheGoodBitch January 22, 2015
When the word 'fucktard' doesn't quite express the way you feel about someone's level of retardation!
That cuntard has fucked himself in the arse again.
Could he be anymore countarded?
That cuntarded prick is doing my head in!
Could he be anymore countarded?
That cuntarded prick is doing my head in!
by welterw8 April 6, 2016
by Azdragonmaster June 14, 2022
A retarded cunt
A very naive and uneducated female who keeps on making stupid decisions. Having a messed up attitude all the time. For no reason. Even though it's not that time of the month.
A very naive and uneducated female who keeps on making stupid decisions. Having a messed up attitude all the time. For no reason. Even though it's not that time of the month.
by Oakysgirl February 16, 2019