a soft scrotal glue, produced by aggresive fondling and/or stroking of an engorged phallus, that hardens on setting, usually upon an enthused female's body; excellent for attaching random items to one's partner
"Yo Chad! You should've been there last night! I Supermanned Karen with some of my Grade A cument!"
by chef's special April 22, 2021
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The act of cumming so much inside of a woman that her ass cheeks become stuck together. Usually ends up causing the ass cheeks to be split apart with hands.
My cum is like cement. It keeps on sticking Amy's ass shut. She calls it cument
by Qwertyuiopasdfghjkllkjhgfdsapo December 22, 2020
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The mysterious invisible substance that mysteriously stiffens teenage boys' socks.
Susan had to run Billy's socks through the wash three times to get all the cument out.
by Señor Boboddy February 18, 2021
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