The act of going to coffee shops while performing work that makes one fee like a functioning, productive human. (Work may include, but is not limited to, school work, big kid job work, shopping on Etsy, etc.)
Person 1: What are your plans for today?

Person 2: I'm going coffeeshopping; I need to finish studying for tomorrow's midterm.
by Samthenotsowise November 12, 2014
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legal place in the netherlands where you can blow and smoke.. its LEGAL!
Cmon lets go to the coffeeshop
by Megagun July 1, 2003
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in most countrys its a place were you can get coffee (sounds logic, eh?)

but in the lovely netherlands its a place were you can legaly buy chronic in all its forms. how cool is that? well, the coffeeshop-concept has its good and maybe even its bad sides, but the facts are that the state earns much money by the taxes on the weed and that the netherlands are loved by its pothead neighbours belgium and germany for this shops (and for a lot more of course).
if you go to amsterdam, visit a coffeeshop! its a realy cool feeling to get high with no fear of being caught..but don't stay there too long, the city is also a nice place besides this!
by p.l.c. March 14, 2008
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When you prowl from coffee shop to coffee shop, in a search to find a quiet place to work, OR when you use the shop as a resting point on a longer day excursion.

Concisely, when you prowl through coffee shops looking for temporary warmth and/or free wifi.
I pretty much just coffeeshopped around the town today. The wind was really brutal, so whenever my fingers went numb, I just ducked inside the nearest one.

Yeah, I coffeeshopped for awhile, and the one on Grovenser's Street has outlets for my laptop charger, so I worked there for a bit.
by Serendipity545 November 4, 2010
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Adjective that means to be laidback and fun.
I like to hang around coffeeshop John.
by Mirek October 2, 2006
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when some one goes beyond using a laptop at the local coffee shop and sets up a small office replete with printers, scanners and other peripherals to mooch power and wifi.
Should be a limit on coffeeshop camping. A dude has set up not only 2 laptops, but a full-sized laser printer, scanner and piano keyboard!! credit @feliciaday
by lownstar June 2, 2009
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