A phrase that refers jokingly to a comfort food, usually drank/drunk or eaten with a large spoon. Can be used in a derogatory fashion as well, especially when referring to cheese-sloth. Both men and women, mostly from the Southern portions of the U.S., but elsewhere around the world as well, tend to eat large amounts of Velveeta cheese, usually in a dish called queso, but in other forms as well. Larger women from the South sometimes microwave a coffee cup of melted Velveeta when they're on their period and drink it when it's cooled enough, like a shot of alcohol, in one quick slurp, or sometimes, slowly, that is, if they're deeply engendered in their cheese-slothness.
Buddy #1: 'Guess what grease-puss did today, dude?'
Buddy #2: 'Not another coffee cup of melted Velveeta?

Buddy #1: 'Did she slurp it or spoon it?
Buddy #2: 'You know old cheese-sloth, on the rag again, so, totally slurped it, man, again....'
Buddy #1: 'Gross, man, what a fat-assed slag.'
by coozehound72 August 17, 2010
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