In spanish "chinga" is basically like the word fuck. So it can be used chingado or other ways.
by Dancing Iguana August 12, 2003
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to bother, complain, bitch, or f*#k.
No me chingas! - Quit bothering me !(just a tad bit stronger though)
by craig January 15, 2004
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A very technical term for a person, place or thing when the exact name of the subject is not known.
1) John Doe 1 "I took my car into the shop and they told me that I had a broken part on my suspension."

John Doe 2 "What was it?"

John Doe 1 "The chingas."

John Doe 2 "Those always go out."

2) The HVAC unit consists of a compressor, coil and other chingas.
by Sancho El Sucio May 6, 2011
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What skinny, tarted-up latina girls call each other when they squabble.
"Hola, Chinga."
"Who you callin Chinga, chinga?"
"Estas la chinga, chinga."
"Oh this is on, gordita!"

Arm flapping/slapping/hilarity ensues.
by TreeWeezel November 19, 2010
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A small piece of wood or construction debris that hangs over the edge or predetermined size of the piece or material being installed.
Cut that chingas off and it'll fit into place.
by rick crum March 31, 2007
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