A state of sadness, anger, or disappointment most commonly caused by losing, especially at video games.
"Oh man, did you hear how Matt lost to his girlfriend twice in a row at Marvel vs. Capcom 2?"

"Yeah dude, he got mad and kept making excuses then he just stormed away. He was so brown."
by djfruitsnacks82 October 9, 2011
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HEROIN - smack, scag, dirt, B's, etc. Dirty fukin drug that'll ruin you!
"Wha gwaan b? Any brown gwaan?"

"Just robbed these sunglasses, you can ave em for a bag uh brown"
by T August 2, 2003
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1. to pass feces
2. to penetrate anally

1. feces
2. the act of passing feces
3. the anus
1. The delinquent kid is going to brown all over the bathroom stall.
2. My girl doesn't appreciate it when I brown her unexpectedly.

1. There was brown all over my doorstep.
2. I seriously need to take a brown.
3. He licked her brown until the late hours of the night.
by stone man December 1, 2004
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Occurs when supervisory personnel intentionally undermine their staff through nefarious means.
Cathy browns her staff when she intentionally lies to and about the staff; demands increased performance of her staff while refusing to provide the tools and training necessary for them to meet the new performance standards; requires a member of her staff to assume supervisory capacity then refuses to acknowledge, reward and/or compensate that staff member for a job well done; forbids and prevents a staff member from working from home only to then beg that staff member to work from home on a project requiring immediate attention; surreptitiously and without approval accesses and reads her staff's emails; without further compensation, reduces by a week a staff member's accrued vacation hours to lessen the impact on her scheduling needs; bullies her staff into into 'doing as told' then denies having provided said direction...
by HighWire2013 January 24, 2014
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contrary to popular and STUPID belief, brown does not describe those of middle eastern or hispanic descent. those of hispanic descent have their own color - latino, and most middle easterns are of their own color - arab, so arab and brown are not the same ethnic group!
brown people are generally made up of south asians (indians, bengalis, nepal, sri lanka, etc..) and also some of south america, like guyana
"Yo Omar my brown homie lets go and chill at the mall buddy!"
"For the last time you idiot I'm not brown im Arab and PROUD! You wanna hang out with a brown guy so much, go talk to Russell Peters!"
by brown person March 7, 2008
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used to be a colour but now is a blanket term for anyone with brownish skin (teenagers use it to describe southern asians, middle easterns and in some cases people from the Caribbean). It is also a common misconseption that brown people are all terrorists. Many people are surprised to know this is not true.

Not racist, unless used excessively, then it gets annoying

"Man, Ahmad is one brown son of a bitch"

Ahmad: "brap! you know it!"
by Double A Arab December 3, 2007
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Word used to describe lower grade Heroin in the United Kingdom.
Any Brown for sale? Who's selling Brown at the moment?
by James Edwards November 6, 2005
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