To be mentallyand emotionally ruined under stress and pressure from bootcamp. The persona of a bootfucked soldier/veteran/person is the same as a scitsofrinic or any other mentally unstable phsyc ward patient.
That Pvt. Pile from Full Metal Jacket was so bootfucked he shot his drill instructor and then turned the gun on him self.
by kamillark April 16, 2010
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1. Upon the start up of your computer it emits a horrible screaming noise, like it is being violated and then promptly dies.

2. to feel like your anal region has been violated with incredible force.
1. Jim, what's wrong with my PC? I started it up and it screamed at me and turned off.
Well Jane, it looks as if your computer is bootfucked.

2. "I took a crap so huge that after I was done it felt like I had been bootfucked by a skinhead."
by Tigertosser December 6, 2004
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To kick someone, most often repeatedly in the ass, but any body part will suffice.

Especially when the boots in question are at least size 13 and steel toed.
1)get back to work or you're going to get a bootfucking.

2) that wasn't much of a fight... more of a bootfuck.
by Sir_FireStorm March 2, 2005
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A complete spaz who has done something to really bad to piss you off.
lee you bootfucker! look what you did to my new sketchers
by the.penguin October 9, 2006
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when you kick someones rez door really fucking hard with the back of your heel
"I bootfucked kimberlys door last night, because she was a bitchass to me."
by BarnesCHOPS October 12, 2009
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