Used to define someone who is really dumb or you think is dumb for something they do.
You guys play csgo? Y'all are a bunch of boof ass bandwagons.
by Boofyass July 19, 2017
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a dusty ass nigga
a retarded, autistic retard
that boof ass nigga got robbed of all dem goodies
by boofassniggas December 17, 2018
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When someone does something annoying and frustrating
Ryan: Hey man you're so lucky you have Mr. Dave for chemistry
Ilya: That dosen't matter, chemistry is chemistry, regardless of teachers
Ryan: You boof ass bitch! That makes no sense!
by hulk1823 October 10, 2018
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A syndrome in which the affected show signs of abnormally stupid, or boofy behavior. BAS is commonly genetically inherited from the ancient gnomic "boof-like" ancestors of booftopia. As of now there are no known cures other than public humiliation or exile.
Sam: god, Jason is acting so weird lately.
Hamlet: don’t be so hard on him, he has Boof Ass Syndrome (BAS).
Sam: omg I had no clue!
by Hamsanitizer September 22, 2019
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