Boob luge is where a female pushes her boobs together and someone poors liquor down her breasts while someone is at the bottom of her jugs funneling the alcohol.
Yo Jenna's tits lookin nice. Jenna let me hit the boob luge on your tits, Matt poor this beer down let's go!
by Boob luge May 8, 2016
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when a frat guy pushes a sorority girls tits together and pours a beer down her cleavage and drinks from it.
yo dude at beach balls, this girl let me do a boob luge.. best beer ive ever had. #fratasfuck #rushfrat
by texastechsratwhore May 9, 2016
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Drinking beer by pushing a girls boobs together and putting your mouth under them, then pouring the beer through her tits.
Dude, my boob luge made it on Old Row.
by Justafriend July 13, 2016
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