(blot) (oh) (ed) meaning very drunk or in a drunken stuper.
person1: man i got madd blottoed last night
person2: jigga your a blotto case
by Djaries May 29, 2006
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Drunk. Other terms which mean 'drunk' are: intoxicated, pissed, smashed, Oliver Twist (rhyming slang), potted, soused, in your cups, off the wagon, slaughtered, hammered, wasted, shit-faced, squiffy, legless, sozzled, plastered, sloshed, inebriated, tipsy, tiddly, paralytic, tanked up, on the booze, on the piss, on the sauce
Wife: "You were the one who ended up blotto last night and introduced your dinner to the 'welcome' mat. You can wash it and then wring it out".

Man: "Right now I feel like it's my brain that needs wringing out".
by Stormsworder February 2, 2007
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To be extremley hammered
"my name is otto! i looove getting blotto!!
by wtf?! omfg!!? n00b October 26, 2006
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To be drunk
Ah man I’m Blotto after seeing Mr.Blotto!
by UrbanDictionary3.0 June 18, 2018
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describing a wild night of debauchery, an out of control situation, a crazy fucked up experience.
Dude - hookers, booze, blow, a baby goat!? - jesus christ last night was fucking blotto.
by redjazz1 December 20, 2011
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A guy you really like but is a huge douche bag to you. or a guy you hate how much you love them.
Girl: my boyfriends such an asshole, but i love him.
Friend: yeah hes a blotto for sure.
by carhar7 June 27, 2011
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