A short sound clip (typically composed of a meme, movie quote, or song lyric) sent to better express one's feelings.
He sent me a Blerp of Taylor Swift during our breakup.
by jjoocceeee June 30, 2018
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When something pathetically leaves existence. Like when a boner goes limp.
Mike and El's chemistry blerped all of a sudden.
by Dec The Halls March 23, 2022
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Means "duh", "of course" or "totes obvi"
can be used in lieu of the duh-ish word "derp"
"hey bro, did you get an A on that test?"
"ummmm, BLERP!!"
by Gagagurl January 15, 2012
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Blerp is when you or a group of people are doing something illegal and, out of nowhere, you get caught by the police.
"bro i was so stoked to burn that blunt, but that fuckin pig blerped us. now we gotta do community service"
"yeah, fuck the pigs"
by 925Jimbo May 1, 2009
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v. to overlay a text, video, photo or other content on an existing website without modifying the website itself
n. a comment, vbut not modifying ideo, photo or other content overlaying an existing website
He blerped a review on www.movietitle.com

Did you read the blerp about that celebrity on www.acme-gossip.com?
by oogablog May 22, 2009
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Sometimes things go wrong or if you´re dissasitisfied with something you can go "blerp", blerp is also synonimous with the phrase "fuck it"
Sending of file failed.....
Friend Who sends file: what?
J/M/T/M: the file transfer fucked up!
by J/M/T/M December 13, 2003
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The new soul shattering insult created by someone with a force so evil he could destroy nyc to 3 bits.
Kid:Hi u play fortnit i wana plai wit u
Guy: No blerp nugget go home and drink your mommy's breast milk
Kid: Fine >:3
by KILLTHENEWBORNS March 27, 2022
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