Noun: The deadline for leaving Facebook/Twitter/MSN/homework/alcohol/etc and going to bed.
"My bedline is midnight tonight, no one is allowed to take to me after that time."

"Can't stay long, my Mum's given me a bedline of eleven."
by Galadriel1010 January 7, 2010
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The time one must finish all their homework in order to get any sleep. This often causes a noticeable decrease in the quality of work turned in.
I had to do my math on the bus because I couldn't get it done before my bedline.
by W.T.Q. February 1, 2010
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The act of having an incredibly fake-looking tan. Usually found on girls attempting to look good, disguising their true features. Also found under "makeup".
Man, that bitch had a spray-on bedliner like a motherfucker! I can't believe bitches think they can away with that shit.
by Justin May 5, 2004
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