The act of inserting your tongue into the ass of a long-time friend.
The elder one, delicate like a flower, was used to baffing Gandalf for a dollar, and some power.
by ThomasTheBaffer April 9, 2011
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Man 1 - Where did that bloke go?
Man 2 - Dunno mate, i'm baffed!
by conjunction July 16, 2003
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No clue what the fucks going on

Hey What's this box for

'I dunno mate I'm baffed '
by Articulatator(sex god) March 4, 2018
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Acronym of Bored as Fuck.
Can also be used as BAFF - Bored as Fucking Fuck.
Describes a state of extreme boredom.
I'm BAF today!
by a9on87 September 7, 2005
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Bored As Fuck. An quick and convenient way of telling someone that you're bored and have nothing to do.
I've been sitting in class for 2 hours staring at slides from the French Revolution, listening to my monotone teacher talk about her favorite war hero - BAF!
by JustinKF September 20, 2010
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"Bad" except you made a typo.

(After all "f" is right next to "d")
Still looks like an actual word though.

Maybe you can use it as a joke.
A: *Does bad in a video game and dies.*
B: "Baf."
by lHarryl March 2, 2021
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BAF is an acronym, which stands for “Busy as Fuck.” It is primarily used in inter-office cubicle communities of programmers, system analysts, and network administrators.

BAF is rapidly expanding into higher education communities at four-year universities. This migration into the vernacular is due largely to the attendance of established technical workers attending four-year universities.

BAF is rumored to have originated in fall of 2004 as a resulting conversation between a network administrator and a system analyst while attending SDSU (San Diego, CA).
Me: My boss just gave me another major project on top of the three I already have! I will have to work on weekends for 6 weeks!

Friend: Well, between, working full time, going to school in the evenings, family-home life, I guess you will continue to be BAF for a while.
by Mr. Cer November 15, 2006
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