An arsehole of the highest degree.

An arsehole suffers from severe arseholeitis
Pete has a case of arseholeitis
by Th3 tw4t5 nobsrus April 19, 2017
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1. The hole you shit out of.
2. An annoying person that you would just love to smack.
Quit being an Arsehole!
by Glittery Goddess June 13, 2004
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A person who believes they are so important that they treat others with indifference or arrogance.
I tried to strike up a conversation with that hot guy at the bar. He just turned to me, looked me up and down and told me I was crowding his personal space. What an arsehole.
by Burntchick November 20, 2016
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Someone who acts like they own the place and that the whole world revolves around them. They look after number one, and everyone else is low on the priority list. If you know the arsehole well, often even just their presence can make you feel small and insignificant, and generally they treat you like something they stepped on.
He just strolled in, ignored the shop assistant, took what he wanted, threw the money on the counter and left. What an arsehole.
by Krunchie June 2, 2006
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A person who fills you with disgust and anger.
by No Chance! February 5, 2005
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