waving your arms around in an entertaining fashion to confuse your fans and make them think you can still dance.
1: Did you attend The Circus Starring Britney Spears?
2: Hell no, I'm not paying $100 to watch her pass off her arm flail crap as dancing for an hour and a half.
by Craig Dylan February 27, 2011
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A more common name for the advertising device that is also known as an Airdancer. It is a plastic humanoid shaped hollow 'bag' that when supplied with an air flow inflates and appears to flail around.
Uses include:
Attract Customers to your business.
Make a splash at your next presentation.
Keep grandma company.
Protect your crops.
Confuse your neighbours.
African American? Hail a cab.
Testify at church.
Or just raise the roof.
"Thanks to a shipping error I am now currently overstocked on wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men, and I am passing the savings on to you!!"
by Al Harrington February 21, 2008
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Informal title of the skinny bitch that won't shut up. Given the title Flailing Arms Girl becuase of the lateral swinging motion of her arms when she is ranting. Known for incredible stupidity and being excessively loud. See also Susan
"Man, look at Flailing Arms Girl go, she's dumber than a bag of assholes!"

"Sometimes, hearing the thoughts of others is such a chore, and I'm like, GO AWAY TELEKINESIS!"
by BobbyBill$ November 30, 2004
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