To believe animals understand everything humans say.
My 5-year-old asked a deer if he works for Santa.

When I'm on drugs, I tend to anthropomorphize my cat.
by frabrizio December 19, 2016
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Objects, animals, or gods that have human characteristics in fictional works. It usually refers to animals with the ability to speak.
Many Disney films include an anthropomorphic animal of some sort.

All the characters in The Lion King are anthropomorphic.
by Hamez0 July 7, 2012
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The root word of anthro.

Anthropomorphism - Ascribing human characteristics to non-human things.
by Josh April 25, 2004
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Giving a non human object human charactaristics.
While most of the time associated with the Furry Interet Sub-Culture, this could be basically applied to anything, such as trees and plants, rocks, general objects such as furniture, and even food.
by PFC Wolf August 7, 2005
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Art or stories where characters contain a mixture of animal and human characteristics.

Most anthropomorphic characters walk on two legs, speak and often wear clothes. They are fantasy creatures.

They can exist on a spectrum from having almost all animal characteristics, with only a few human traits, or being almost all human with a few animal traits.

Some people in the furry fandom prefer the term anthropomorphic to describe the art, writing and role playing they engage in. It is a more inclusive term, as many anthro characters combine human traits with the traits of non-furry animals, such as lizards, dinosaurs and birds.
Bugs bunny dressed as a girl is anthropomorphic.

His anthropomorphic artwork is mainly about foxes wearing battle armor and set during the dark ages.

Sobek, the Ancient Egyptian god, is anthropomorphic, in that he is a man with a crocodile's head.
by Ayame Emaya September 10, 2006
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A non-human object that has been given human characteristics, such as a upright walking cat, a cloud with a smiley face, or a talking spoon.
This is an anthropomorth.
by Citrusponge September 21, 2003
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