Malik misteriwalla is absconding from jail in Thiruvananthapuram
by absconding May 18, 2014
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to self-yeet
yo I was sitting there when I absconded my dumb ass out the classroom window
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You ESCAPE from somewhere that has walls or chains, but you abscond from somewhere where the only deterant is that you are not ALLOWED to leave, but there are no physical confines e.g. .
your school or an open prison
by The Flapsdaddy June 14, 2004
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To steal a sexual favor from a second party in a very seductive and forthright manner.
Man... you really absconded that ass last night didn't ya? cmon... dont lie... ooooo ya you did, C'MON be honest, you a ddoooggg, oooo ya, way to GOOOO. W00T, ABCOND THAT BOOOTAY
by Unotag July 23, 2003
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Engaging in sexual acts with a party committed to another party; an adulterous act. See supply.
Monica Lewinsky absconded that booty in the White House.
by Reisser May 24, 2003
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