Trippin people out with skillz

During any type of performance of any skill in a public setting be it real or virtual. Occurs when your skills totally wreak ballz of all noobs around you and causes the opposite sex to react hormonally.
There is no equivalent to this word for a stellar performance between two people such as during sex. This word is only functional in the context it was created.
If you ever hear anyone using this word for a private performance , slap them immediately.
"Did you see that !! That sh#eat wuz nuttn but zimer yo"!
by CoVeNiStIk January 17, 2014
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A majestic ice-fire-dragon that breathes fire and ice upon it's enemies. It appears to have a serpent-like body that can extend at will to suffocate it's prey, the head of a dragon that breathes fire and ice, front legs of an eagle, back legs of a penguin, scorpion tail and albatross wings. It's origin dates back to sightings of penguins in antarctica, being seen upon as a god that controls the weather. However, recently, it is more-so seen as a tyrant that kills moving things for fun and torturing warm-blooded animals by freezing them untill they die. It is said to guard ancient treasures and powerful items, however no one is completely sure because Zimers are so powerful only one man has been able to slay one.
"Zimers are my favourite mythical animal."
"I hate Zimers, penguins are awesomer."
by Pengiii October 12, 2018
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A cool funny mature dude, he is mature in relationships good at sports and attractive
by November 22, 2021
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