A person of considerable physical stature. The person must have greater muscle mass as opposed to body fat content. This term is synonymous with hench.
"Wedge guy walks into bar, the bar say's ouch!"
by Fuckfield November 19, 2009
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screwed up, mangled, generally broken, especially when applied to a device or person "stuck" in a non-functional mode
This computer is really wedged.
John is really wedged about this.
by twf January 8, 2004
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a WPI term used to describe the section that connects two of the freshman dorms. it also connects to NetOps, which usually sucks at keeping the network operational. The Wedge is the usual hangout of the wedge rats on friday nights.
I'll meet you in the wedge before lunch
by Howard Assmunch February 7, 2005
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A type of shoe, with a round toe and thicker platform sole in the front that narrows towards the back. Wedges have no actual "heel". They look cool if you want to look more "mainstream" but do not actually want to buy spike heels.
I have black leather wedge sandals with a 4.5 inch sole. They felt very uncomfortable at first because I had never worn a wedge heel before, but now they feel fine.
by marla x0 December 22, 2004
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Someone who wedges in between friendships by being rude or disagreeing with the group. makes a wedge between themselves and other people.
Jehans being a wedge by not wanting to watch Grown Ups when everyone else does.
by Samdog15 January 2, 2011
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The state in which you are "wedged" between being awake and asleep. This is the point of the night in which everything sounds funny and it is difficult to put sentences together.
"I was so wedged after being awake for two days that I continued to blame my socks for farting."
by Drewskiboy April 24, 2009
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In England your wedge would be an undefined sum of money or bread.
I got a load of wedge in me pocket.
by cazmax February 14, 2005
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