The act of having looked up a term on, this term is a lot easier to use than having to say 'urbandicionaried' ... it just flows so much better.
I just urbandicted the word 'urbandicted'.
by Tryptamine May 14, 2008
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The term indicating what happens when someone uses Urban Dictionary to look up every word they've ever heard.
"In Urban Dictionary, a carrot is....."
"Dude, you're Urbandicted. Try a Merriam-Webster."
by justanotherchelsea October 16, 2009
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When you do not even know some one insulted you, till you look that shit up in the Urban Dictionary.
That cold bitch Urbandicted me last night, and my dumb ass thanked her for the compliment.
by Beargasm March 18, 2017
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The most clever, hilarious, legendary contributors to Urbandictators are freakishly accurate with their definitions and they rate every definition they read. Urbandictators submit enormous amounts of definitions and by doing so they waste most of their life. Urbandictators should be honored for their sacrifice for the sake of our street smarts and mocked for being total nerds.
Dude, this Urbandictator's definition of 'emo' totally kicked my definition's ass.
by JenKristo May 8, 2008
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Shortened "urbandictionary" or urban dictionary, especially when typing it into the address bar.
"Go to to find out what a milf is."
by Tindy April 11, 2005
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"Oh man, how I hate emosexuals."
"Shit, I'm urbandictioning that."
by ColinSA May 15, 2010
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