A great place to be, not matter what ignorant people say. Yes, various places in Jersey suck, but no need to worry. There are many beatiful places in NJ. Hunterdon, for one, is the county I live in. The only bad smell you will sniff is horse and cow shit, but the sunsets and colorful hot air balloons atop of the skyline make up for that.
I just got back from the Jersey Shore. In Belmar I saw some gross ass in a thong, but when I finally got to Spring Lake I saw some people that looked normal.
by Jersey Girl February 22, 2004
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One of the richest and most educated states in this country. If you can't drive, then get the Hell out, because most of us don't have that kind of patience. The only place that really "smells", like the stereotypes say, is Newark, personally. Has some of the best and biggest malls around, and is home to Jay and Silent Bob.

If you ask someone from Jersey if they're from "Joisey", you deserve a punch in the face.

See also Awesomeness.
I've been to New York, Pennsylvania, and many states of the South(Currently living in Florida.), and I gotta tell ya... JERSEY KICKS ALL THEIR ASSES!!!
by New Jersey Devil July 28, 2005
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A great place with mostly friendly people. South Jersey is lovely. Lots of expensive Housing developments. Lots of pretty little victortian towns too. Theres nothing like the Jersey Shore or Jersey Tomatoes! Lots of emo is from Jersey. Jersey has a good local punk scene, ive heard too.
by JJ January 21, 2004
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Ummm..try New Jersey has the highest per capita wealth of any state (that's right more than NY or CT) And of course, we respect NY, a lot of us go into the city very often, and New Jersey is very classy. We have classic prep towns like Ridgewood and lots of celebrities live in Saddle River, among other towns. Bergen County is among the richest in the country and we may be a suburb, but we're close enough to cities like Hoboken that there's something going on all the time. Plus, we have a whole bunch of NY sports teams playing in NJ, like the Jets, Giants, etc. Please respect New Jersey, we respect you guys.
Most of us who live here think that NJ is a great place to live! Our schools are among the best in the nation, and we have an abundance of fresh air and trees! We're centrally located so we can enjoy the splendor of many states, NY and CT amongst the many.
by <3 NJ August 3, 2005
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A geographically and culturally diverse east coast state that is often overshadowed by New York and Philly. New Jersey has many appealing tourist spots and is not given the credit that it deserves. There are, however, a few scary places in New Jersey, such as Camden, with the country's highest murder rate, and the Pine Barrens, where a little critter called the Jersey Devil eats helpless and stranded tourists with flat tires on New Jersey's Route 72.
New Jersey: The Garden State
by Vincent February 1, 2005
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The greatest place in the entire continental United States. Everyone who doesn't like New Jersey is a communist. There, I said it. Contrary to popular opinion, it doesn't smell there at all, is cleaner than New York, and is home to some of the nicest people ever. Plus, we don't pump our own gas, bitches. Also, home to the most wiggers and emo kids. New York can have them both.
if you dont like jersey, fine, cuz we dont like you either
by Spazztastic January 7, 2005
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dude im going to new jersey
why would you got to new jersey its a shit hole
by bob654333 July 12, 2011
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