The best band in the universe. even better than miley "slut" cyrus.
jonas fan 1: The jonas brothers rock!
jonas fan 2: (screaming twords stage) NICK JOE AND KEVIN GET NAKED! YOU GUYS ARE HOT IN A CAN!
by COLEY :} April 30, 2008
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Nicholas Jerry Jonas started a band named the Jonas Brothers with his two older brothers, Josheph Adam Jonas and Paul Kevin Jonas II.They are amazing and very hott.Some people hate them but that is because they think they relate to hannah montana or because they are a disney channel band.Those people are stupid and will learn one day.The jonas brothers have the coolest concert....They have lights,fire,laser,fireworks and powder!!!!!

be nice and repect them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jonas fan 2:WHERE!!!!!!!
jonas fan 1:THERE!!!!
fans run over there while the retards laugh at the jonas fans for being in love with the hottest,nicest,coolest guys in the world whil they are in love with people like marolyn manson
by GeorgetteJonasXJB@ July 15, 2008
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Of all the boy bands and of all the Disney pop idols, the Jonas Brothers are the worst of the worst. They have unfortunately come back with a new album recently. Oh, and their music is NOT ROCK. We don't mean that as being something other than rock (as long as it's not something we're wholly, diametrically, unequivocally opposed to in and of itself), but NOT ROCK as in IT'S NOT EVEN FUCKING CLOSE. Much like Avril Lavigne, Olivia Rodrigo, Pink and Kelly Clarkson, the Jonas Brothers represent the most embarrassing attempts to clone rock music out there.
Jonas Brothers Fan: The Jonas Brothers really are an awesome and a talented band. I'm proud of them. I don't hate anything about them! GO AWAY IF YOU HATE THE JONAS BROTHERS! YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS!

Anti-Pop Snob Who Has Taste: No! The Jonas Brothers are NOT talented and they are NOT awesome! They are manufactured, kid-friendly and mass-produced as hell! I can't believe America has enough idiots in it to let this crap become popular!
by Super Tips July 29, 2023
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A Word that when you type in "Jonas Brother" in Urban Dictionary, you get a bunch of hate comments saying they are shitty. But if you search Joe Jonas you get a bunch of girly positive comments for some reason.
1. Joe Jonas 1124 up, 513 down

a member of the best band ever- Jonas Brothers

very manly, beautiful, funny, plays the tambourine
brother of Kevin, Frankie and Nick Jonas

1. Jonas Brothers 3883 up, 1774 down

A shitty, pop, rock band that makes it harder to apperecite good music today.
by Jonas?? August 2, 2009
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A shitty, pop, rock band that makes it harder to apperecite good music today. People who claim to be fans of this 'band' usually fall under the line of being female, 6-17 years old, disney channel/high school musical lover, types LiKeSs tHIssS!!! and is extremely annoying.
Person 1: OMG I lOvE tHe JoNaS BRoThErs!! Did yYYou sEe tHem oN DiSnEy CHaNnelLL LaSt nIgHt!!!??

Person 2: No, shut up and go listen to real music instead of drooling over people who don't even write/play their own songs.
by thejonasbrotherssuck March 20, 2008
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A band that single handedly killed music. You can usually hear them on a POP station or anything with Ryan Secrest or whatever his name is.
The Jonas Brothers make me want to cry. What ever happened to those awesome rock and roll bands that everyone loved? Fuck you Jonas Brothers. I dont even care that you are famous or have money, YOU RUINED MUSIC. FUCK YOU JONAS BITCHES.
by Peoples Voice amirite. March 31, 2010
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