A suburban spoiled ass school. The system is like one giant anal shafting that leads you bleeding and stupid by the time you’re done with it. Filled with retarded freshmen doing heroin and fingering cats, sophomores getting railed by horny seniors, and juniors that nobody gives a fuck about. Too many e-girls and e-boys giving each other oral in the prison-like bathrooms. Not even sure how this school is ranked in the top 100 in the U.S. Santa Margarita is so much better than TESORO in every sports, extra-curricular, and academic area that THS doesn’t even deserve to have such an advanced school as it’s rival. Good luck going anywhere in your stoopid lives titans!
I’m not surprised that those retards at Tesoro High School got caught doing BDSM with their P.E. teacher.
by Skai Jackson April 10, 2019
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