almost always an awesome person who has lots of friends and people love to be around!! she is very pretty and has brown hair and brown eyes!! shes also alittle crazy but is Always happy. she will light up the
room when she walks into it
Tedi you are one of the coolest people i know!
by tdill1021 November 24, 2010
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Tedi is typically a legend amongs man with a 10-12 inch cock and the face of a greek god.
by God amongst men April 15, 2021
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a nick name givin to all crazy cool ppl!! only gangstas r worthy of this name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ppl 1: man! did u see that guy?!?!?! hes so a good way!!!!

ppl 2: dude, he is a tedy!
by el salvatrucho April 9, 2010
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tedi is a lovely girl who is very beautiful and sweet. She has brown hair and brown eyes and goes to BMS. She is also loved by a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. They are the perfect couple.
tedi is sooo awesome and is perfect for him
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considered by many as the male g-spot
area of sensual feeling experienced by men when groped in any way my a female/another male.
Wow you really got my tedi going there!
by greton69 January 13, 2009
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what some call beer or a brewski (see Tedi Bruschi of the New England Patriots)
dude, when you go to the fridge can you grab me a couple Tedi's?
by Mojo February 15, 2005
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Tedi Malchev is a godly creature that resides in an earthly form which can be seen by us simple life forms known as humans.
If you ever see him around you, you have to scream:
BOG TEDI ObiCHam TEE !!!!111!111 (nohomo tho)
Guy 1: Yo dude did you see Tedi Malchev??
Guy 2: Yeah!
Guy1: But did you show your love for him??
Guy 2: o n0!1 I forgot, I'm a terrible human, I should be sacrificed in his honor...(C O M M I T S S U D O K U)
by 3nF0rcR December 24, 2018
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