Taryl is one of the most talented girls you will ever meet. She is kind but doesn't let anyone push her around. Her inner strength is only matched by her rare beauty and everyone she meets is drawn to her. She is a loyal friend who loves everyone and loves to laugh with them...her only fault is struggling to love herself. She has the voice of an angel, and has a light burning bright within her. Taryls are peaceful, animal & music lovers who appreciate the small things and crave adventures around the next corner. Taryls are unique individuals who risk having others copy their ideas because everyone wants to be like a Taryl. Taryls love life and live it to the fullest.
Did you see Taryl today? I love her style.
I am in love with Taryl's blue eyes!
I don't care what we do as long as Taryl is with us.
by yoloanonymous January 12, 2019
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He is one of the most liked people. Most people like adore him and he is very good-looking and attract a lot of girls. He is very funny, talented and can kill anyone in seconds and get away with it. Teachers and parent adore him and he almost never gets in trouble. He like animals but hates aggresive ones. He love sleeping and eating also. And for some reason he is single.
#Girl 1: Omg who is that
#Girl 2: that is taryl. He is soo hot
#Girl 3: isnt all taryls hot??
by Ya ya yeet November 17, 2019
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Taryl, is an absolute ass fucking jew. He is ugly as fuck, and manages to trick all the dumb/mentally unbalanced girls into getting together with him. Thankfully, he's such a dork, that even those girls realise just what a needledick he is. He is someone you want to slap, punch, kick, and generally masacre. He has a rubbish smug grin on his spotty face ALL the time, and disgusting blonde hair. He looks like A shit.
Taryl, You're such an male ass fucker, go do the world a favour, and shoot yourself...And your mother too while you're at it...
by Tal April 18, 2005
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Also known as "Beautiful" , '"Pretty" , "Perfect" and "Cute, describing something as appealing ,you mean that it is very attractive or pleasing.
Taryl is Perfecf in anyway imaginable
by taryl'sbitch March 26, 2023
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-If you don’t like Taryl your an actual loser
-Taryl is literally so great how can’t you like him
- Taryl could fxck yo ho
by Štar bøÿ++ November 23, 2021
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