A leader in the Broccoli Lynchers Faction otherwise known as Thotimus

Also was the best staff member on pvp.thearchon.net
"Tabering is Thotimus Prime :joy:"
by 123sozloser December 17, 2019
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She's such a tab. Thats Tabering for you
by ItsJDog December 28, 2019
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A flippen sweet kid with awesome curly hair, great taste in music and extremely attractive
Taber is one cool kid
by Si_Lenc3 September 1, 2008
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The act of subsatuting random words for other words when describing something.

The person who usually uses taberisms has A.D.D. or A.D.H.D.
John - "man why does that girl make me eat cake before she puts out. I'm tired of kissing ass just to get laid."

(the reference to eating cake as kissing ass is a taberism)
by Xalbia May 4, 2009
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The small town in Alberta, Canada that is known for it's corn. Still being small it throws it's annual "Cornfest" every fall.
"Going down to Taber today, mate?"
by Erin April 12, 2005
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a laffable gurl who has a sexy booty. flirtatious as she is, she will get shy around hot guys.
Bob: damn! look at that hot girl! she's laffin her ass off!

Dylan: dude... you're right! She must be a taber...
by laxgurl123 March 28, 2009
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A suburban whore who as a really fucked life and brings everyone down around her. She will waste your time effort and money.
That taber can fuck off.
by Ready.set.fuck.yourself September 29, 2017
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