A mafia member who holocausted Lawrence Exeter Jr. After clapping his wallet and his wife.
by Wowen alt 1895 November 14, 2018
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A 120 year old female astronaut that dated Lawrence Exeter Jr. and forced him to pay her money.
Tony Spagoni is NOT a gay prostitiute.
by Tony Spagoni May 17, 2018
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An Italian Uber driver who extorts money out of passengers for the Mafia
Lawrence Exeter was harassed into paying $126 to Tony Spagoni
by Bird 789 December 11, 2018
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A powerful hitman who killed multiple people.

A gay prostitute
"You see Junior Tony Spagoni got to him and blew his brains out."
by Jack X 10 September 18, 2021
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An evil gay brothel owner and drug dealer

That bitch Tony Spagoni fucked over Lawrence exeter Jr
by Syrex.Slayed September 25, 2023
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