When a lanky creeper skulks around a public venue with a goofy smirk on his face. He will commonly act like your long lost buddy even though you wouldn't associate with him under any circumstances. He will also make incorrect statements about your place of work, request reimbursement for gas and mileage for anything he claims to have done on a charitable basis, attempt to sucker you into losing and/or bad business deals and will claim anything a family member has done is the "adventure of a lifetime."
Dude #1: Yo man, did that smirking fairy just ask you for gas money and claim he needed reimbursement for a trip to a Orphanage?

Dude #2: Pretty much, but he also claimed he was digging our buddy time on the hoops court, I worked for the highway department and then he tried to sell me his jank Camaro that he said had been driven in a Disney parade. He claimed I would have the adventure of a lifetime if I drove it.

Dude #1: Aw man, you got TCrocked.
by SuperLloyd October 21, 2014
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