Systemism is a philosophy founded by a young, California born, aspiring philosopher by the name of Dakota Spann.

The First Tenant of Systemism is:

Every conscious entity with the ability to feel both happiness and non-happiness logically has from thence a direct, intrinsic and unalienable purpose to pursue the former.

The Second Tenant of Systemism is:

The way in which happiness can be most logically obtained is through an integrated system on an individual's environment which applies the desired outcome of the first tenant universally. That is, a system which causes the most happiness for every individual contained within it.

The Basic Statement of Systemism:

Happiness is purpose and knowing how to best obtain it is morality.
Systemism is the base for a truly civil society.
by my_name_is_Freedo March 8, 2010
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Systemism is an extension of Ethical Egosim which not only states that an individual's own personal pleasure ought to be their highest goal, but also adds that the pleasure of others has a large positive effect on their own pleasure.

Systemists pursue the pleasure of others for their own sake.
According to Systemism: Kindness is selfishness and selfishness is righteousness.
by The_Optimist September 28, 2010
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something you shouldn't trust
Andy: The moral of this story is...YOU CAN'T TRUST THE SYSTEM,MAN!
by YO MAMA'S BOOTY HOLE December 26, 2012
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System - among many other things - refers to the collective of alters within one body inhabited by multiple people.

The context is almost always the highly stigmatized mental disorders D.I.D. (Dissociative Identity Disorder) or O.S.D.D. (Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder) which both share the defining symptom of multiple alternate states of conciousnesses, colloquially referred to as alters or "multiple personalities". These alters often have different memories, abilities, etc. and can be just as different and well-defined as any other people in the world.

System refers to the collective of alters within one body.
"We haven't decided on a system name yet"
- A system that just recently gained awareness of their plurality
by Liravin March 31, 2020
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a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole.
"the state railway system"
synonyms: structure, organization, order, arrangement, complex, apparatus, network
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 17, 2019
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