Suleman means peace, which is very accurate because people blessed with this name tend to be very peaceful, loving, and friendly.
Boy i wish i had a friend named Suleman!!!!
by purrResa December 18, 2016
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Some one who is Middle Eastern but has become Americanized or someone of terroist descent
Andrew:Hey Vikrant what does Jihad mean?

Vikrant:I dont know?

Andrew: Your such a Suleman Helehele
by GMORPH February 18, 2009
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An arrogant man who thinks the whole world revolves around him. Suleman creatures are ugly and are usually very flawed. These creatures live to feed themselves but do not feed their families. Sulemans are selfish, narcissistic misers. These creatures feel as if everyone should bow down to their disgusting figure. These creatures are disliked by everyone.
Oh my word, Suleman is uglier than I imagined.

Look at all the rubbish that Suleman is hoarding.
by Sthbxybcb November 23, 2021
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the name of a very attractive cool guy who is very funny. One day he and his current girlfriend Destiny or dbeezy will own a palace and be royalty. also means man of peace.
suleman will be rich one day.
aint your boyfriend name suleman.
by D.b.E.e.Z.Y March 1, 2019
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a single, unemployed mother who lives in a 3 bedroom house with her parents.
she currently has 14 kids all under the age of 7. 8 of them are octuplets and she can not afford them because she was more concerned about being a woman with octuplets and getting the fame, than with being physically capable of supporting them
Wow look at Nadya Suleman taking all of our tax dollars to pay for her 14 kids!
by joakes March 4, 2009
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Also known as Octo-mom, Octomom, and Octo mom, Nadya Suleman gave birth to 8 kids due to getting in-vitro fertilization of 6 embryos; two of which broke into two embryos each; a total of 8 embryos; despite already having 6 children. That makes her having a total of 14 children. Due to the unusual amount, "Octomom" has been subject to much unneeded (though perhaps not unwanted) attention such as: Vivid Entertainment's proposal for a porn movie starring Suleman (declined); Gloria Allred's public criticisms of Suleman on Dr. Phil; a Reality TV show in the UK; and a child labor lawsuit to ensure that the octuplets are being fairly compensated.

Suleman had a relationship with a man who will remain surnameless, but his first name is Marcos. They seperated in 2000 because they were unable to conceive kids.
Nadya Suleman is, in the harshest of my opinions, a total IDIOT.
by Epith June 17, 2009
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A girl Who lives in Allentown and loves ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŒญ๐ŸŒฎ๐ŸŒฏ๐Ÿฅ™๐Ÿฅ™๐Ÿฅ—๐Ÿฅช๐Ÿ•๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ—
A nehla fatima suleman ate everything at the buffet leaving no food for the others.
by Alooiiii November 4, 2023
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