1.When you push too hard exporting whoppers and your hemorrhoid bunch splashs in the cold unforgiving depths.

2. When you’re planting a fence post and your chili ring becomes one with the surface of the water.

3. When you’re dropping a full house off at the pool, and an Ace slips outve your hole.
4. During the exportation of a Pringles can, you push so hard you divorce your gooch.

5. Sometimes mistaken for the sexual act of Jon Straining which is when you’re balls deep in your boy jon and he sneezes and almost cuts your Dick off with his turd cutter.
Bro: ahhh man dude… I had dump truck nachos last night and right in the middle of getting after some beav and I spent the night strain’n on the Jon.
Bromigo: sorry man, when’s the funeral for your taint?
by Cody Bustaloady July 31, 2021
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