The direct definition of steyer is cunt. It can refer to a woman's genitalia, but when it is used in this fashion is usually referring to a rotten, diseased, fungus cunt

Steyer is also a word that refers to a type of creature that is fat, obese, ugly, and hideous. No one wants to be around one ever. The fat under their arms jiggles and suffocates all those around it. It also has a pooch belly that causes people confusion when looking for its pussy, that is if it is a female steyer.
Ew gross, I lost my nose in the steyer
by urapoochfatticf November 24, 2010
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The person who created Common Sense Media... a website that gives all M-rated games an 18+ rating when really teens could probably handle them. Common Sense Media sux
Man, why did Jim Steyer found that stupid website?
by chezi tacos February 20, 2021
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Feeder of pigs, and one who also wallows in pig shit
That steyer guy made his millions from hedge funds, private prisons and fossil fuels
by Dick Turnip January 21, 2020
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