It is used to describe people that are different, special, one of a kind.
You're just simpa
by gychester April 2, 2017
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Rude motherfucker who´s biceps bigger than his head
Who´s that big Simpa over there?
by whipmachine December 12, 2016
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SIMPA: allowing the one who runs your life, to dip her thumb in her own period blood and wipe it across your forehead while saying “SIMPA” in an act similar to the 1994 Disney movie The Lion King involving Simba a baby lion and Rafiki a grown ass ape
I’m pretty sure Cantaffa’s SIMPA Ceremony is going Friday, his old lady has been bitchy since Wednesday!
by Hixville52487 June 23, 2020
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The female version of a simp, weather she is chasing after a male or female
Gianna is such a simpa for texting Luke every day even through he doesn’t want to talk to her.
by oefelstein March 9, 2020
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To shove two popsicles up your ass at the same time, and than offer one of them to your nigger friend, while you eat the other
Hey man! I have Simpa popsicles, do you want one?
by Ohlawdhecomin January 26, 2019
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A person who claims to be a Sigma Male, who is actually a Simp who pretends to act like he’s a Sigma Male.
Dude, you are totally a Simpa Male, you subscribe to onlyfans girls and porn! You can’t pull woman.

I’m a Simpa Male, I’m a lonewolf who can’t get any, which is why I love Porn.

Simpa Male: I’m a Sigma Male

Bro: No, you aren’t cause you pay for 🐱
Simpa Male: I don’t like hierarchy and I’m independent.
Bro: Dude, you depend on people and get government benefits.
by PC Slayer Sword December 14, 2022
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People who call people-"simp", without proper reason. The word "simp" is like air to them and they would call anyone that word, even when it would be harmful. They think in groupthink
It is similar in usage to "Sinpla"
Jaren and his army of simpa sheep went around the school, convinced that kicking girls for fun is cool and that anyone who tries to go against it, is a simp. One of them- Trevis, stalked a girl for 4 days , without even realizing that his actions were an example of simping
by Kesiria February 12, 2021
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