The name of a girl who is bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. Her optimism can be a source of inspiration to others as well as herself.She is so beautiful she can be, literally, intoxicating. When her apperance is compared to the average women, she seems to be almost a heavenly creature. Even the chance to experience her is almost like cheating death, and is nearly as exhilarating.
I have never seen anyone as Shanise as her in my life.
by Black bag December 19, 2016
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Shanise is a woman who be stealing your blanket bruh.She wont give it back so you have to yell these words "Shanise give me back my blanket bruh.
Shanise will steal your blanket bruh.
by slut hannah September 21, 2019
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it's a Bay Area word for sexy,snazzy,and beautifil
that girl was so shanise
by reba May 1, 2004
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a cruel person who will call your parent if u say one thing during silent reading
shanise turner always talking about some “ im gonna call your parent ” than do it then. She is nice when she wants to be
by user4949 November 22, 2021
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