a sardar is normally a person who wears a turban. mostly all sikhs (religion from india) are sardars because they all wear turbans and keep long beards and hair. which is part of their religion Sikhism.
there was a parade yesterday and there were a lot of sardar's present.

you can tell he is a proud sardar.
by pendu jatt (sarpunch) March 5, 2009
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A person who plays xbox all day, also known as farmrod
I pulled a sardar last night
by Jack harding October 24, 2007
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to neglect to do thing, puts thing off to the last minute.
Person 1: Please pick up the garbage
Person 2: nah il do it later
Person 3: your such a sardar
by jack harding December 18, 2007
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• The Apex Predator (The Leader always)
• A Sikh who wears a turban. Often succeded by a 'ji'.
• A sexy beast. A chick magnet. You won't understand how sexy he is unless you're in relationship with him.
• Who's the Sardar here?
Oe Sardarji kya Khabar?
• He's a Sardar, damn.
by Francris January 2, 2017
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A sardar who cleverly conceals his keski a.k.a “dastaar” with a cap, a fashion statement popularized by Indian Cricketer Harbhajan Singh in the late 90s.
Person 1: Does that guy have a patka under his cap?

Person 2: Yeah, he’s an undercover sardar.
by MassiDaMunda March 30, 2021
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Looks extremely sexy has a huge penis and is just overall the best fucking person to ever exist
Hamza Sardar is so hot imma marry him
by Inferno115lol December 1, 2019
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