The man with values and words. Very good looking and handsome. Respects women and elders the most and very popular wherever he goes. Artist, loves sports and is very creative. He has great humour and knowledge. His anger is like a 'Sahab' should have. He is very helpful by nature and helps the needy. He loves getting praised and is sometimes self obsessed. He brings smile to people and makes everything positive. Strongly believes in commitment in relationship. Keeps his committed girl happy at every aspect. And most importantly loves children.
Always, be a man like Sahab. And every girl would like to have his man to be like Sahab.
by Terumakasishshabatism November 24, 2021
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People who dress in white , ride second hand cars and care only about respect.
Rao sahab ki ijjat kharab hogayi.
by noneboy April 17, 2009
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sahab is s6hab on tiktok she’s a queen pls lol anyways she has the best life😍

okay bye
sahab do u want to play roblox?
by sahab😍‼️ December 10, 2020
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They are too rich & have Luxury cars, they are love to spend money on their lifestyle and they usually spend crores on their weddings

In Delhi NCR, stay away from them and your voice should be low in front of them if not then you will be busy in counting the no. Of cars coming by their one phone call
by Yourfather01 November 24, 2021
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sahab is naturally gorgeous literally so gorgeous id date my self
“sahabs so gorgeous
by sahab😍‼️ May 8, 2022
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The man with values and words. Very good looking and handsome. Respects women and elders the most and very popular wherever he goes. Artist, loves sports and is very creative. He has great humour and knowledge. His anger is like a 'Sahab' should have. He is very helpful by nature and helps the needy. He loves getting praised and is sometimes self obsessed. He brings smile to people and makes everything positive. Strongly believes in commitment in relationship. Keeps his committed girl happy at every aspect. And most importantly loves children.
Always, be a man like Sahab. And every girl would like to have his man to be like Sahab.
by Terumakasishshabatism November 24, 2021
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It's an Arabic word that's written several times in "Holy Quran" It means clouds in the sky.
Have you ever heard that rare name?!

What is it?!
by VI_ZIKX November 24, 2021
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