A very unique soul with a kind heart.She’s capable of doing anything she wants and is very smart .She’s connected to all the members in her family and loves them With all her heart. She’s very pretty and will have a bright future if she stays on the right path.
Safire is so beautiful
by Theman5000oldie November 18, 2019
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A shy but freaky ladies man, has a kind heart, very smart, great taste and will pull a “tyb” on a bum day. Destined for success
Safir got all the hoes
by Your mothers sisters boyfriend September 10, 2017
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the sweetest girl ever. she’s pretty shy but definitely one of the funniest people you’ll ever know once you get to know her. she’s a total goofball deep down. everyone needs a safir in their life!
Carly: i am so bored! Sophia: you should totally be friends with safir she is great!
by Strawberry00 July 30, 2023
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verb. To correct improper grammar, pronunciation and/or punctuation. A reference to William Safire, lexicologist for the New York Times Magazine.
Herb: How is term paper-grading coming along in your class this semester?
Craig: Dude, I had to Safire so many semicolons, it was atrocious.

Janet: And I was all: "Are you for real?" And he was like: "Totally."
Crissy: Don't you mean; "I asked: 'are you for real?', and he replied: 'totally'"?
Janet: Actually, it is functionally correct to use "all" and "like" in the quotative, especially when engaged in colloquial conversation.
Crissy: Well I'll be Safired.
by Ryan Alexander Diduck January 2, 2008
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The gamer girl. Friends with the guys and the coolest chick around. Naughty underneath.
Safire beat me last night so I owed her some tongue.
by Chokeabitch123456 December 20, 2016
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a Title to a game that has not been released yet. This game bases off of the old Dungeons and Dragons Books and Star Ocean Time lines, as well as Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda ideas and creations. Not only does this game contain things from those games, but any game which goes beyond the normal in their ideas and reaches out to the interests of fellow gamers.

The title Safire Legends was thought up from a few different factors, one being, the game consists of many Legends and Stories to be Told and lived, whether for the first time or once again. Also the god Safire has an important role in the game which getting details on can only be obtained by playing the game itself.
"Lets play some Safire Legends"
by Kaz C. May 29, 2008
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