Nickname derived from the name Stephanie. Was formed modeling the way fob people said her name. Stiff-anie. Hence the name Stiffi was born. She is the coolest person you'll ever meet.

Many derisions followed:
and boner.
idiot: what kind of name is stiffi?
cool guy: a name for a sexy person.
idiot: how does that work?
cool guy: her real name is steph and she's hella sexy
by ridiculousteph May 29, 2008
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he had a stiffy
by boxcutter014 February 12, 2018
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When A males penis is enlarged to due a sexual arose also known as a boner!
Craig : Your wife called me last night and was wondering where you were at?
Chad : Yeah I took Kiersten home after work she invited me in for a drink!
Craig : Must have taken a while you still weren't home at 10:30?
Chad : Yeah she brought the drink's into her living room naked and I got a Stiffie but she took care of it with a Blowjob which lead to some vigorous sex in her bedroom then I developed a massive load of cum in my balls and ejected it all over her face hair and breast's so I helped her shower it off and we fucked some more in the shower then I dried her off and brushed her hair she lit some candles and we kissed and cuddled for 2 hours.
Craig Too Much Information Dude!
by SlopNChop January 22, 2017
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John: Why is your groin area protruding like that?
Bill: Oh, I just got a stiffy.
by SwagMasta42069 April 11, 2018
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1 an erection of the penis. see; boner, hard-on.
2 A strong drink, a double, esp. a double-bourbon-and-coke.
3 A plastic-cased 3.5-inch floppy disk, as opposed to the more flexable 5.25-inch floppy disk.
1 Oh man, I got a stiffy.
2 Gimme a stiffy and two pints.
3 Anoyone got a stiffy? I need one to save this file.
by Coxy November 29, 2004
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1 an erection of the penis, Syn. boner, hard-on.
2 A strong drink, a double, esp. a double-bourbon-and-coke.
3 (South Africa) A plastic-cased 3.5-inch floppy disk, as opposed to the more flexable 5.25-inch floppy disk.
1 Oh man, I got a stiffy.
2 Gimme a stiffy and two pints.
3 Have you got a stiffy? I need one to save this file.
by Spootonium October 10, 2004
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