To destroy a beautiful relationship by sleeping with a hooker.
I don't think she'll forgive me this time. I've rooneyed my marriage.
by bobed September 5, 2010
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To Rooney someone is to stamp on someones balls
Or to be Rooneyed is to get red carded and sent home in shame!
Rooney was unrepentant after stamping on that guys nuts!
by Tartan Terror July 30, 2006
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To lose one's temper and commit a violent act, especially during a sporting event.
I thought he'd fouled me so I turned around and did a Rooney on him.

I came home, smelling of beer and covered with lipstick, and the wife went Rooney on me.
by Mr. T.P. July 3, 2006
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An amazing, yet violent (thus very fun to watch), football player who currently plays for Manchester United and England. The best young talent to ever play in England's football pitches.
Commentator 1: "Oops did that guy just get knocked out by Rooney?"
Commentator 2: "yes, he did it again!!" 'smiling proudly'
by 007guy January 27, 2006
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- A football (soccer) player for Man United who looks a bit like shrek
- A bad temper normally resulting in a red card
- A word used by kids playing football
And rooney scores...

Rooney takes this one too far thats a red card and england are a man down

ohhhhh hes scored a rooney
by Ash1402 July 6, 2006
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Rooney is a phenomenon across language as it is a polysemy, it may be used as a greeting or way of expressing one's emotion or describing various things. It is usually preceded by "ah" and the way in which it is expressed affects the meaning behind its use. One may also say something that is bad is "not Rooney." The term may be shouted at random intervals simply during conversation to show joy, excitement or your presence. This use may lead to a chain reaction causing dozens of persons to shout Rooney.
Ah Rooney!
I defecated on your bed - "That's not very Rooney of you" or "That's unrooney"
by deez_69_420 November 16, 2021
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Did you see his reaction? It was really rooney. She is acting rooney
by gal_n_the_city January 11, 2009
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