They're the coolest guy you'll meet. They care deeply for their friends and they got your back. They super fun to be around and their laugh is contagious. Super fun, happy, and just all around great. They are very modest and they help others at their own expense, and they need to love themselves a little more.
Quante is a really cool guy and I'm glad he's my friend, I got really lucky.
by (^u^) April 4, 2019
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A person who uses soulless, purely statistical means to determine and/or affect an outcome.
Joe Visionary: Building a school and lowering labor hours would improve the lives of these workers, and future generations of their children, enabling them to become self-sufficient contributors to the economy.

Quant: It would also cost more, lower productivity, raise spirits, and give them a mind of their own to branch out beyond simple labor -- not good for the bottom line, bro.
by liveMike January 11, 2014
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To put your lip gloss on, call your friends on the phone, meet them on the floor and dance like cover girls.
Greg: Do you have any plans tonight?
Hillary: Yeah, I'm gonna quant it.
by GreggersJ January 15, 2009
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The smallest measurable
amount of anything,
given existing technology.
"Check the optics again, Heinrich,
there's a couple of quants
hiding behind that moo-on."
by alteregoboy December 10, 2006
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A slang term for a large quantity. Typically in reference to a quantity of illicit and/or illegal goods.
Dude 1: Damn, I'm outta bud...

Dude 2: Hit up Brad, he always has quant.
by ForevaMackin487 August 18, 2010
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