Pyotr's (or sometimes Pytar) is a generally nice guy and is pretty chill, Pyotr is the Slavic "Peter" and can kick some ass if he feels like it but is normally lazy as fuck. Pyotr's normally think they are hot shit although they're really just riding on their friend popularity, and have shit roast, but really good jokes. They are trustworthy until you piss them off, Then you're screwed, They normally are really good at gamers but get addicted to shit games alot, But in the end they'll back you up till the end and can save you or your teams ass from shit if you listen to him. He can come up with back up plans fast, and is straight to the point. He isn't always the best with girls but is supportive when he needs to be. Sometimes he gets jealous though but he makes it up by being brave. He tries to avoid perveted jokes but once and awhile will make a pervy joke that is funny. They normally perfer ass, and are extremely stupid if you upset thdm or if he isn't listening, But during serious matters he can save your ass with decisively thought out plans at the lat minute, He normally tries to stay out of trouble but will always try to help when your in a snag. He normally plays minecraft all day and probably is right now.
Girl 1: Ewwww it's a Pyotr!
Girl 2: What? I find him quite attractive!
Girl 1: Don't you know how trash he is at romance?
Girl 2: Idc, Atleast he's a pro gamer. Gamers are cool.
Girl 1: DAMN, you're Right... Pyotr isn't bad at all!

Pyotr friend 1: Damn, Pyotr play's too much Minecraft... I think he's getting addicted...
Pyotr friend 2: Ikr! Worst of all it's Pixelmon!

Pyotr: Atleast I have minecraft.

Kid: I play Xbox.
Pyotr: Bruh! More like gay box!
Kid: That is a terrible roast dude.
(Literally 5 secs later)
Pyotr: I play Playstation.
Kid:More like gaystation.
Pyotr whats wrong with Gay people?
Kid: bruh.

Pyotr: Wait, I have a plan.
by adherence1000 December 30, 2020
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Term for a Russian/Eastern European male who although claims to be straight, dresses otherwise and often looks similar to a spritely elf or dare I say "Peter Pan". He may not be wearing tights persay, but he might as well be.
Yana, stop hitting on Pyotr Panovich.
by douchebagovna September 12, 2009
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