Prescot is a town 8 miles east of the city of Liverpool. Prescot is known for its friendly people (just like Liverpool). People from Prescot don’t identify as scousers or wools, but instead call themselves ‘Prescotians’. Prescot has a non-league football club, museum, soon to be a Shakespeare theatre and a lovely town centre. Great place to live. Proud to be from this lovely town.
by Prescotian November 26, 2018
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Prescotted is when you give something illegal to someone then report them to the police for having the illegal item causing them to be arrested because of it
Person 1: Damn, did you hear about Dan giving Vaughn his motorcycle then reported it stolen? Then he called the cops suggesting that they should look for it at Vaughn’s address!!

Person 2: BAM! Vaughn got prescotted!!
by Diddles 2316 October 5, 2020
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Used whenever your computer processer overheats.

Some Intel Pentium 4s have Prescott cores, and while they are able to achieve high clock speeds, they overheat quite often.
Guy #1: I was owning in Half-Life 2 and then my processor overheated and crashed!
by Amolo September 23, 2005
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