French for "trash can" and basically describes new york state
tu est une poubelle
by nys=poubelle July 13, 2018
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A toy clown that is given to you by someone asian
That old asian lady gave me a poubelle
by Shawnmendeslover1234567890 December 2, 2017
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Punning French reference (appeared in one French movie, I forget which) to rubbishy food, especially oversold rubbishy food. A poubelle is a rubbish bin. Hence poubelle cuisine as opposed to nouvelle cuisine, geddit?
There, and we take the scrapings from the bin liner, mix it in with a few tabs of stale butter, microwave it for five minutes and they won't know the difference. Voila, poubelle cuisine.
by Fearman February 10, 2008
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A pigeon that likes to heal people and rob banks while he translates stuff.
Poubel = Pow + Bell
by Poubel's fan #2 November 6, 2013
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