Pushing someones hat back means you post up with the 9 and rip it, usually ending with a foety in they head . Either you are in real life or being a gamer and rolling up on people in deadside.
*Picks up Glock 19*, *Sees nerd shitters with AK-47*, Steppa:"YURRRRRR, WHATS GOOD G? WE GON PUSH YO HAT BACK NEGAL." Nerd:"Oh, please no, i have been playing this game for 2 hours for the loot i have amounted, please i beg you to not push my hat back!" Steppa: "Nah G we gon have to take yo pak and push yo hat back with the MAC!" *Steppa lets the 9 loose and pushes nerd's hat back and steals the pak, NEGAL*
by SteppaOnBlock84NEGAL May 22, 2020
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